Fourteen hundred years ago, the ogre king killed his own god, Senga, with a sword carved from the spine of the snake goddess. The pieces of Senga's sundered spirit washed over the world like rain and were reborn as the Sertori, living incarnations of his power.
You are a Sertori: a powerful sorcerer who can bind men’s minds with a word or bring down storms of fire on your foes. You live in an ancient world, ruled by monarchs and oligarchies, in search of your destiny, attracting throngs of followers and circles of believers. As your following grows, so does your power. In time, you may rival the gods, or be worshipped as one.
But the power you wield is dangerous and the world you inhabit treacherous. Even as your magic destroys your enemies, it can also warp your own body and mind. Misuse of this power transforms you into an abomination or a haunting presence. The faith of your followers can grow dark as well, and even your most trusted disciples may betray you. Beyond these threats you face greater dangers from unearthly creatures and cults who despise the Sertori, hunting them down to absorb their divine powers. The gods themselves may be your enemies.
How will you use your power?

Beneath the Banshee Tree is an investigative city adventure for the Sertorius roleplaying game.
Powerful Sertori come from every corner of Gamandria to the mountain city of Talyr, answering the king’s call for new talent to fill important offices. However his invitation attracts someone with sinister motives who exploits the abundance of magic to enact an unthinkable scheme. After a series of mysterious events the players are recruited to solve the puzzle and weed out the evil presence in Talyr. But it is a race against time as they hunt for clues and try to piece them together before something terrible unfolds.
This 69 page investigative module comes with an adventure, several detailed NPCs, a city map, a full description of the city of Talyr, and a unique investigative structure that makes for a different experience each time you play.
For use with the Sertorius rulebook by Bedrock Games.

Book of the Archon brings a complete collection of awe-inspiring magic to the Sertorius setting.
This is the first in a series of optional spell books that can be used on their own or combined with the spells in the original rules. Each Book of the Archon enriches play with a different take on Sertori magic. The Scrolls of Nicodemus introduces more insane power levels and unexpected flavors.
It includes a full book of spells that vary considerably in potency, new Thauma, new Objects of Power and a new monster.
Classic Fantasy Packet brings traditional sword and sorcery to the Sertorius setting.
This book introduces two new types of characters who can stand toe-to-toe with Sertori: Warriors and Burglars. It also includes a complete selection of Maneuvers and Tricks, specialized character sheets, and new magical objects.
For use with Sertorius.